Adrian Michael (he/him)

From a small town in Ohio, Adrian has been drumming since the age of 5, playing on pots and pans as a toddler until eventually owning his own kit in his early teens. Wanting to play with others and gain experience, he then started playing for the church he attended as well as playing with small groups around his hometown for several years until pausing his musical endeavors after high school to join the Air Force. After serving his term, and moving around for a little while he ended up in Los Angeles, California, to attend Art School until ultimately deciding to continue his musical education at Musicians Institute for Drum Performance.

From there, Adrian has toured and worked in the Los Angeles/Hollywood area with artists such as Green Jelly (Bass), 9Theory, Hannah Ureste, and Darryl Swann, among others. Adrian believes self-expression is key in any artistic endeavor and wants to empower others to believe that they are far more capable than they may have been told or believe about themselves.

Always pushing forward and seeking self-discovery, he’s constantly seeking to learn from new teachers, peers, and students. Most importantly he wants everyone to remember that regardless of your level of study, music and artistic expression is fun and freeing.


Alyssa Mulholland (she/her)


Kyle McAllister (he/him)